Four years of cancer blogging, part 1 (2006-2007)

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In the exactly four years since I found out I have cancer, this has not been exclusively a cancer blog, but I have written a lot about it. Since you probably missed some (and also because I've forgotten much of what I wrote), I'm listing links to every post I've made on the topic. Let's start with December 2006 (when I didn't know what I had) through December 2007. See part 2 (2008), part 3 (2009), and part 4 (2010–2011) too.

December 2006:

January 2007:

February 2007:

March 2007:

April 2007:

May 2007:

June 2007:

July 2007:

August 2007:

September 2007:

October 2007:

November 2007:

December 2007:

More of the archive in part 2 (2008), part 3 (2009), and part 4 (2010–2011).


I've read every single one - many several times ove. I've passed them on to friends and family; posted them on boards I'm a member of and ruminated over the content more than I would ever care to admit. And I know I'm not alone.

Hi Derk, how do you get your WordPress to insert all those specified posts into a single post like that? I wanna do that sometime!

Also, have you ever thought of making an infographic?

this post chronicles events before the diagnosis so it should technically come first

anyone with those symptoms needs to see a doctor ASAP

I too have a blog that stretches back years and some of my posts seem to have ongoing themes (in my case adoption records). I'm kind of proud of some of 'em and I was thinking of the best way to sorta present it all in one package and I thought an infographic might be fun! Last week I spent seven hours making vector images of courthouses for the infographic... and they still look like crap... oy!

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