The Neurotics began their careers with the 1962 smash U.K. album, "Please Please Oh Please Please Me (Please)."
Their wild new music, which they dubbed "rock and roll," soon took the world by storm. They became universally known as the "Flab Four," due to their tight trousers and trendy weight problem. Their songs were immediately stolen by the likes of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, and Tom Jones.
Sadly for music lovers everywhere, the entire band became horribly drunk in Murmansk in 1979. When they regained consciousness in 1992, the Neurotics found the world of rock and roll in a shambles, and set out to put things right. Ever since, they've been driving fans round the world into a Fab-Rock frenzy!
These days, you might encounter a number of different Neurotics: any four of Dirty Neurotic (guitar, keybaords), Sticky Neurotic (drums), Swingy Neurotic (bass), Bumpy Neurotic (guitar, bass, keyboards), Dilly Neurotic (guitar), Fabby Neurotic (drums), Woody Neurotic (guitar, harmonica), Doink Neurotic (bass, harmonica), Knobby Neurotic (bass), Lumpy Neurotic (bass, guitar), and others (including such luminaries as Slappy and Randy Neurotic) now make their Fab-Rock home in the lineup. Some, such as Stubby, Quickie, and Groovy Neurotic, have moved on to greener pastures. Who knows who might be playing at our next show?
Audiences Worldwide
The Neurotics have played all round the world for many different audiences, for seething crowds as large as 45,000 fans—and from the beaches of St. Kilda in Melbourne, Australia to the famous Red Room of the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in New York City. Here are just a few examples:
- Abbotsford Airshow
- Abbotsford Agrifair
- Art Teachers of British Columbia
- Pacific National Exhibition (PNE)
- Alma Mater Society, University of B.C.
- General Motors
- Brooke Radiology Associates
- Celebration of Light Fireworks
- Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia
- Coast Spas
- First Night
- Cache Creek Graffiti Days
- Harry Jerome Track & Field Classic
- HBC Run for the Cure - 2006-2007
- Honda Canada
- Household Finance Corporation (HFC)
- Kelowna Regatta
- Maximizer Software
- Melbourne Music Festival (Australia)
- Overseas Container Forwarding
- Pacific National Exhibition (PNE)
- Pocahontas Foods U.S.A.
- Prince George Exhibition (PGX)
- Ritchie Smith Feeds
- St. Paul's Hospital
- Salmon Arm Fall Fair
- South Pointe Academy
- TD Canada Trust
- Timberline Software
- Urban Garage Drive for Alzheimer's
- Vancouver Post-to-Post 10K Run - 2000-2005
- Vancouver Elementary Principals and Vice-Principals Association
- Vancouver Sun Run - 1994-2008
- Vancouver Wharves
- Vancouver Whitecaps
- Video One
- Young Presidents Organization - New York City, Banff, Vancouver
- Arbutus Club - Vancouver, B.C.
- B.C. Place Stadium
- Bayshore Resort - Vancouver, B.C.
- Canada Day at Canada Place
- Chilliwack Senior Secondary School
- Cecil Green House, University of B.C.
- Fairmont Hotel Vancouver Airport - Richmond, B.C.
- Fairmont Whistler Resort - Whistler, B.C.
- Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
- Firefighters' Club - Burnaby, B.C.
- Four Seasons Hotels - Vancouver and Whistler
- General Motors Place
- Grouse Mountain - North Vancouver, B.C.
- Heritage Valley - Abbotsford, B.C.
- Hollyburn Country Club - West Vancouver, B.C.
- Jericho Tennis Club - Vancouver, B.C.
- Joe Fortes Seafood & Chop House - Vancouver, B.C.
- Mountain Brew House - Whistler, B.C.
- Newlands Golf & Country Club - Langley, B.C.
- Pan Pacific Hotel - Vancouver, B.C.
- Pit Pub, University of British Columbia
- Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Vancouver, B.C.
- Renaissance Hotel - Vancouver, B.C.
- The Raven - North Vancouver, B.C.
- Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
- Sherry-Netherland Hotel - New York City
- Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club
- Sutton Place Hotel
- Swangard Stadium - Burnaby, B.C.
- Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel - Vancouver, B.C.
- Waterfront Hotel - Vancouver, B.C.

Woody Neurotic plays guitar and harmonica, as well as singing. The debate still rages over his World Cup downhill skiing championship, which he won while sliding on his bum.
Look for photos and profiles of the other members of The Neurotics throughout this Web site!