06 April 2008


The Boot and Blade figure skating blog should cover the 2010 Olympics

Figure skating's not really my thing, but blogging is, and my mom sure loves the sport. Blogging colleague Julie has a figure skating blog over at BootAndBlade.com, and she is trying to get media accreditation for the 2010 Olympics here in Vancouver.

I think bloggers should totally be there in the media scrum, so as her husband Darren has requested, if you have a website and link over to her site (such as to her worst falls in figure skating post), it will help.

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Wow that 'worst falls in figure skating' is a train wreck... is it wrong that I couldn't look away?
Thanks for posting about Boot and Blade, much appreciated. I agree with you. Whether it's me or not, I hope the Olympic committee will accredit some bloggers to cover 2010.