23 June 2007


Saving Tod Maffin's bacon via cross-country tech support

Saving Tod Maffin's bacon via cross-country tech support: live! at Flickr.comBecause I'm still recovering from all the radiation and chemotherapy and such, I can't attend the Podcasters Across Borders conference in Kingston, Ontario this weekend.

However, I was able to provide cross-country phone tech support to get Tod Maffin out of a bind when his Mac Finder kept repeatedly crashing right before his 8 p.m. (EDT) presentation. We even delved into some Unix permissions wizardry for good measure.

Good luck Tod!

And yes, I'm feeling better today, so I think it's okay if I gloat a little.

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Thanks Derek from the bottom of my heart. I as in the room when you were helping Todd. The presentation that followed was astounding. As the volunteer trans-continental telephone tech for all my relatives, I know how challenging it is. Thanls for your PAB teach support.
You're welcome. It was fun too -- it usually is fun when the problem gets solved!
Thank you soooooo much Derek!

You totally saved my bacon. Send me an invoice.
I'm looking forward to the day (weekend?) when PAB comes to the West Coast. 'course, I'm not quite prepared to offer to DO ANYTHING to make this happen just yet, but I'm certainly willing to jump on a bandwagon if it happens to swing this way... Oh, and I'm looking forward to the coverage of the sessions, too!

Cool to hear that you were able to save the day, Derek - take that, fuckin' cancer! :)