Journal: News & Comment

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
# 6:24:00 PM:

Two cogent quotes from Kathy Sierra

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...when I was still a Sun employee, I got into serious trouble for using just ONE of the words in that phrase... cool. Yes, cool. It came up as a black mark in my annual employee performance evaluation. So Tim, times have changed when you call a Sun product "f***ing cool", and all they care about is the F-word. [...] We all have to decide what constitutes "professionalism" for our own business. And my standards might be much lower (or rather different) from yours.


The generation of students we're turning out today need skills nobody really cared about 50, 40, even 20 years ago. Where we used to prepare students for a "job for life", now we must prepare students to be jobless. We must prepare them to think fast, learn faster, and unlearn even faster.


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