Live notes: Steve Rubel of MicroPersuasion at Gnomedex
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Steve asks the Gnomedex crowd, where should marketing be going?
- Works for one of the largest PR firms in the world.
- Marketing is moving into a conversation.
- How can marketers become more collaborative?
- Marketers and companies are nervous about giving up control.
- Becoming part of the conversation.
- The World is Flat: moving from command and control -> collaboration and connecting
- Darren Barefoot: if you're pitching to me, first demonstrate that you know who I am and what I'm interested in.
- If you're receiving pitches, call people out privately before you do it publicly on your own blog.
- Set up a survey that can go back to my blog, not a Word document I'm supposed to fill out.
- Boris Mann: product images, permalinks, and personality.
- Don't try to buzz market if you don't know what you're doing.
- Find passionate people.
- Everyone has built-in BS detectors, but many people working in marketing seem to suppress theirs. Get back in touch with your own.
- On the other hand, there are many, many, many people who don't want to participate and be part of the conversation.
- Don't just work on catalyzing participation: you want to find ways to communicate clearly.
- In this room people tend to think advertising is busted.
- So is PR, but what do we do?
- Advertising as a monolithic "department" *is* falling apart, but it is dispersing throughout organizations now too.
- Not everything that you're advertising is genuinely high interest for most people.
- Having the hosts do ads is great, but only a tiny proportion of brands are comfortable with that.
- Control is the universal language that marketers speak, and that's not changing very quickly.
- Improve the product, not the pitch.
- Darren: advertising your product is getting harder and harder—if your product sucks!
- Can we cross the us vs. them.
- Todd Cochrane works with a lot of marketers and sponsors. It's hard to get them to loosen up.
- The PR people want a canned message to come out. Let us talk about your products in a natural way.
- Werner: people are passionate about everything. And advertising is in my way.
- There are so many ways to be creative, don't get locked into AdSense and banner ads.
- Think about hacking marketing as a great way to get your message out. Make it exciting!
- Steve thinks character blogs suck. Scoble and most others (but not Tris) agree.
- In the end, you have to study and understand the community.