Two free instrumentals in one: "More Red..." and "Less Red Than Red"
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Roland is apparently making a short photo film with the theme "Red," and it will be exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds long. He asked if I had any music that would fit, so I decided to write something exactly that length, which is "Less Red Than Red" (1.9 MB MP3 file).
Now, 1:30 is pretty short, so I made a longer mix of the same composition with some extra instrumentation (most notably piano), which is 2:45, and that is "More Red Than Red" (3.8 MB MP3 file).
Although they come from the same source recording, I think the emotional result is a bit different, especially with the piano coda on "More Red," which was, as usual, mastered by Les Thorn in New York City.
Why don't you check them both out yourself and let me know what you think in the comments? If you subscribe to the Penmachine Podcast, you should have both tracks on your computer (and maybe iPod too) already.