Journal: News & Comment

Thursday, February 23, 2006
# 4:14:00 PM:

My first video podcast, and a "re-pod"

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Over at the Penmachine Podcast, I've done something different: since I changed my subscription feed a couple of weeks ago so I can use Apple's iWeb to update the podcast more easily, the huge list of old songs and other tracks I posted there no longer appears in the feed. So I'm starting to insert some of those older tracks in among the new material.

NOTE: By the way, if you were subscribed to the old podcast feed, you should have been automatically redirected to the new one, so you need not do anything. The new feed address is /audio/rss.xml, if you want to know.

Anyway, I posted two things yesterday:

  1. One is new to the podcast, both in content and format: a promotional video (19 MB MPEG-4 video direct download) I made a few years ago for my band, The Neurotics, in iPod video format. Yes, it's my first video podcast.
  2. The second is a tune I originally posted last October, "How Tall Jennifer Is" (3.7 MB MP3 file direct download) which also happens to be the first track on my album that you can (and should!) buy.

And if you're subscribed, you've probably got 'em already. How 'bout that?


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