I've put together 14 high-quality original podsafe instrumental tunes from my Penmachine Podcast into a CD album you can buy. It also includes a bonus data DVD with a bunch of cool stuff that isn't on this website. Find out more...
If you haven't gotten into listening to podcasts yet, here are a couple I strongly recommend:
While CBC Unplugged remains entertaining, it has also become a bit repetitive since its first Vancouver show (which I inadvertently scored). I'm getting pretty tired of variations of "So, what do you think Canadians are losing because of this lockout?", for example. But today's instalment from Tod Maffin, comprising his thoughts on the future of his network, is essential listening for anyone interested in public broadcasting and the relationship between traditional and digital media.
The Manager Tools podcast, run by Mike Auzenne and Mark Horstman, is possibly the most consistently useful chunk of digital audio I've found. I'm in a semi-managerial position right now, and have been a manager before, but in each case I've arrived there unintentionally, and without much background. I discovered Manager Tools a few days ago via a promo on another podcast, and it's fantastic. In those few days I've learned a ton of stuff, and will be listening during my commutes until I've caught up with the archives. I think it will make me better at my job.