Journal: News & Comment

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
# 11:58:00 PM:

Let's rock with the Penmachine Podcast

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[Derek at the Northern Voice conference]To put my money where my mouth is, following the new version of iTunes from this morning, there is now the Penmachine Podcast.

Right now it consists of my previously-published demo songs. However, now you can subscribe to them with a program like iTunes (version 4.9 or higher). Then, whenever I add a new track (and I have some ideas for the next few days), you'll get it automatically, and it can go straight to your iPod. Cool, eh?

How do you subscribe? The easiest way, once I've indexed it there, is to search for "penmachine" in the iTunes store's Podcast directory (see instructions). Otherwise, you can click and drag the orange and grey "RSS Podcast" button RSS Podcast or the address to your iTunes window (or other podcast subscription program). Get the latest version first.

If you don't know about podcasting, then read up or check out Technorati's search for more references.

Alas, I won't be in the iTunes Podcast Directory just yet:

iTunes podcast submission experiencing technical difficulties

UPDATE: See the fix for that problem.


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