I've put together 14 high-quality original podsafe instrumental tunes from my Penmachine Podcast into a CD album you can buy. It also includes a bonus data DVD with a bunch of cool stuff that isn't on this website. Find out more...
Over at my employer's website at navarik.com, we've started posting more frequent updates on our Windward company weblog. Some recent interesting stuff (largely technology-focused for now, though we hope to post shipping news more often) includes:
Simple built-in settings to improve the display of text on your laptop and desktop LCD monitors, if you use Mac OS X (where they're turned on by default) or Windows XP (where, sadly, they're not). They really work.
Academic studies from Stanford show ten ways that websites can improve their credibility with their visitors.
Treating computer users as if they were lab mice is not as insulting as it sounds.
If there are going to be software patents, here's how they should work.