Journal: News & Comment

Sunday, November 09, 2003
# 9:55:00 PM:


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Earlier this year, I ranted and raved against the evils of PowerPoint presentation software. Now Ryan has found an excellent New Yorker piece from 2001 that not only skewers the program, but reveals some of the history behind it. My favourite line:

PowerPoint, which can be found on two hundred and fifty million computers around the world, is software you impose on other people.

I still like my sauna in a Saab analogy, though. So did a few other people too. In that posting, I pointed to Doc Searls's semi–anti-PowerPoint article, which predates the New Yorker's by three years.

I'm giving another presentation next week, and I'm considering not using any slides at all. Perhaps I'll just write on a flipchart, walk back and forth, and wave my arms a lot. You know, performance art. I think it's more fun that way for everyone.

By the way, here are more wacky album covers.


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