Buy my audio CD today!
I've put together 14 high-quality original podsafe instrumental tunes from my Penmachine Podcast into a CD album you can buy . It also includes a bonus data DVD with a bunch of cool stuff that isn't on this website. Find out more...
My projects:
Navarik Corp. , my employer
(Disclaimer: this site is my own, and doesn't represent the company's position on anything)
Inside Home Recording , a podcast I co-host
Penmachine Podcast , free MP3s for you to download, remix, mash up, and share
who's playing my tunes?
who else?
Lip Gloss and Laptops , my wife's podcast that I engineer
The Editors' Association of Canada , to which I belonged
The Neurotics , my band
My Amazon Wish List
Previous 10 posts:
Enough already! »
It's not about the artists »
Visitor shifts »
Why were they there? »
A voice from the past »
The future now »
To the Dark Side »
Happy ten »
I'd like to say I had no idea... »
Early morning rock »
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Thursday, April 17, 2003
# 12:55:00 AM :
Permalinks to this entry: individual page or in monthly context . For more material from my journal, visit my home page or the archive .
Here are some photos of the 2003 Sun Run and the 50,000 people my band played for. No pictures of the torrential rain that started just as we were packing up at the end, however.
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Journal Archive »
Template BBEdited on 29-Apr-2010
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Site contents © 1997–2007 by Derek K. Miller
You may use content from this site non-commercially if you give me credit, under the terms of my Creative Commons license .