Buy my audio CD today!
I've put together 14 high-quality original podsafe instrumental tunes from my Penmachine Podcast into a CD album you can buy . It also includes a bonus data DVD with a bunch of cool stuff that isn't on this website. Find out more...
My projects:
Navarik Corp. , my employer
(Disclaimer: this site is my own, and doesn't represent the company's position on anything)
Inside Home Recording , a podcast I co-host
Penmachine Podcast , free MP3s for you to download, remix, mash up, and share
who's playing my tunes?
who else?
Lip Gloss and Laptops , my wife's podcast that I engineer
The Editors' Association of Canada , to which I belonged
The Neurotics , my band
My Amazon Wish List
Previous 10 posts:
It's not about the artists »
Visitor shifts »
Why were they there? »
A voice from the past »
The future now »
To the Dark Side »
Happy ten »
I'd like to say I had no idea... »
Early morning rock »
Wireless networking (Wi-Fi/AirPort/802.11b) with a... »
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Wednesday, April 16, 2003
# 3:54:00 PM :
Permalinks to this entry: individual page or in monthly context . For more material from my journal, visit my home page or the archive .
Can you tell from how many posts I've made that one of my daughters is sick today and I'm stuck in the house?
A short one: find out about all the countries in the world or search for media files . Both useful links via J-Walk .
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Journal Archive »
Template BBEdited on 29-Apr-2010
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Site contents © 1997–2007 by Derek K. Miller
You may use content from this site non-commercially if you give me credit, under the terms of my Creative Commons license .