- Really, really, really big sand art. No really, it's big.
- Of all the things the MythBusters have blown up, I still like the water heater rocket demolishing the little red house the best—especially the slo-mo around 2:40 (video).
- It's a bit of a puzzle why matter and antimatter didn't entirely annihilate one another in the early Universe. But there are clues now about why there was matter left over—enough to make everything that now exists, including you and me.
- Greta Christina wonders why anyone is still Catholic. She also wonders what it means to be age-appropriate in choosing clothes.
- A wonderful skateboarding video that satirizes skateboarding videos and yet has a delightful fun charm all its own.
- Microsoft Research combines many frames of fairly crappy video to make a pretty nice still image.
- Eight websites you need to stop building.
- Neko Case absolutely kills it with her live version of Harry Nilsson's "Don't Forget Me." Made me cry (video).
- World War II as a Facebook news feed.
- Why does the Moon look bigger at the horizon, when it's not?
- Octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish—although they are molluscs like clams and slugs—are "honourary vertebrates" as far as the U.K.'s animal cruelty laws are concerned.
- Love the name of this Bollywood-themed live comedy show: "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Chicken."
- How do you know when a rabid, virulent, anti-gay activist is in fact gay? The answer is, "Well, duh!" (video).
- Facebook's eroding privacy policy: a timeline.
- Ten amazing truths you already suspected.
- An L.A. resident found a highway sign confusing, so he sneaked up and fixed it himself. His helpful alteration remained in place for almost ten years.
- Great ongoing coverage of the Deepwater Horizon oil blowout disaster by the gCaptain blog.
- Eleven music superstars who are technically one-hit wonders (includes Hendrix, Garth Brooks, Rush, and Iggy Pop).
- We carry Neanderthal genes.
Links of interest (2010-05-27)
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