Journal: News & Comment

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
# 11:20:00 AM:

Penmachine blog post #2500

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Ten days before this blog turns six years old, this particular post you are reading marks my 2500th entry here. (I fluked into noticing it last night when I discovered my moon-relic post was #2499.)

I don't have an exact count, but based on when Blogger used to keep track of such things, I've written on the order of 350,000 words in this journal, totally aside from my other articles and such—in print, that would be 1400 pages, almost exactly the length of War and Peace.

I have two reactions:

  1. It's pretty impressive to have written a blog that's as long as War and Peace.
  2. If I had spent six years writing a novel instead, reviewers wouldn't be comparing it favourably to Tolstoy.

So it's just as well that I stuck with the blog. Thanks to everyone who's been reading all this time.


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